Jesus, Our Greatest Need

As Pastor Moses spoke on Saturday, August 24th, 2013 in Cambodia about the presence of God I took that chance to examine my need for His presence in my life. I came up with two conclusions that I wanted to share from P. Mo’s talk on Gods presence.
1. One of the first things I noticed that God was revealing to me was that we won’t see people in our church leading others to Jesus if they don’t have a desire to know Jesus themselves. We can not expect people to draw others into relationship when they themselves are not moved to commune with the God of the universe. If they don’t seek God they won’t lead others. If they don’t enjoy His presence they won’t beckon others into it either.
2. Second, I believe that God was telling me that our desire for Jesus is often measured by our direct need for Him. This is most importantly understood in light of the cross and what He did for us at the cross. So, if we, as westerners see no purpose in Jesus, what He offers us, then we will not be inclined to pull people closer to Him.
On the other hand, when I look at the life and the tragedies of the Cambodian people (and lots of other people elsewhere) I see a great understanding, a great need for Jesus. They see a real need for Jesus, so they find great value in His presence. They find it of great value to find Him and rest in His presence.
I am finding it more of a pressing need to seek Gods face. To be in His presence. I want to continue to be able to point out my need for Him more and more each day. Not because I’m sinning more and more each day, but because each day when I spend time in His presence I’m allotted the opportunity to view my sinfulness in light of His holiness. When I view my sinfulness in light of His holiness I truly see my need for Him.
I need Jesus everyday.
So does my family.
So do my friends.
So do my co-workers.
So do my “enemies.”
The people walking down the street.
The people that lead our governments.
We all need Jesus. Badly. Desperately.
We have no hope otherwise.
We have no chance otherwise.
Jesus is out greatest need.
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