Vocal Health

Vocal Health
This is the first post in the “How To Survive” series. We’ll focus on Vocal Health.
Today I wanted to address vocal health. It’s a bit of a touchy subject, mostly because everyone is built differently and our bodies respond to things in different ways. Different stimuli cause our vocal chords to respond in crazy ways. So, today we’ll stick to a few general vocal tips that will help your voice survive the “long haul.”
- Drink a lot of water. Yeah, yeah, I know, you already do. Drink more, ’cause you actually don’t. The majority of people, no matter how much they think they drink, don’t actually drink that much. And for every glass of something else that is not water, with the exception of bori cha (Korean tea), drink two glasses for every glass of something else.
- One of the biggest assets a singer/perform can utilize is sleep. Rest is essential to keeping your body in optimal condition for what ever comes up.
- Keeping some sort of workout schedule is highly beneficial to you. Not only for the obvious physical health reasons, but because your voice relies on support from your abdominal muscles. If you have no abdominal muscles, you have very weak support. Even a day a week can make a huge difference. So, get back in that gym!
So, that’s it for this week’s “How To Survive”.
If there is something that you would like to know more about, drop me a line and we’ll make it a part of our “How To Survive” series!
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